
A Mama and her Boys - Denton area photographer


I believe God puts people into your life for a reason.  No really.  I do.  Some people teach you something and leave as quickly as they came and some are meant to bringing something to your life to be cherished and nurtured.


Don't worry, I am not going all religious fanatic on you.  But I do believe that once in a while you meet someone and they just bring something special into your life and it's meant to be.  I feel that way about my new (but good) friend Karly.  (And the sweet men in her life).


She is young and vibrant and beautiful (you can tell that from the pictures of course), but she is also an amazing mom to three GORGEOUS boys and love of a sweet guy Rocky.  I feel so blessed to have met her when she started babysitting my two little ones a few summers ago... and more blessed that a friendship grew out of it.


When she asked me to take pictures of her WILD crew... I couldn't WAIT!  I had the honor of taking Chance's newborn pictures a few months back and it's so fun to see him grow from behind the camera.

EVEN MORE fun to hang out with them ... as you can see from the happiness that glows from this family.

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Thank you for letting me capture your crazy life surround by your men, Karly.  It was LOL fun and silly and a JOY.  Don't ever stop being a wonderful mom, friend, and woman.



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